Wakefields offices on the Bluff and Pinetown had their best months ever. Westville had its second best month. Ever.

And the economy is depressed? Not at Wakefields.

For Wakefields property consultants, it's not simply business as usual, it's business better than usual. They're working hard...and earning hard, because they love what they do, and they're happy where they're doing it. Like running their own businesses, but working with all the advantages provided by a well-oiled, supportive structure.

Unemployment in South Africa is reaching unheard-of levels. It's not only one of the highest in the world, but at 29 percent and counting, we're surpassing a 15 year high.

At Wakefields, we're really busy. And there's room for you. Here's a real entrepreneurial opportunity to learn well, earn well and become part of a well-established property group. Newcomers are carving a career path within Wakefields. With an in house training academy to provide all the theory, practice and mentorship, for a person who enjoys property, people and a good challenge, it's a multifaceted career well worth considering. No two days are the same, and the potential for flexi-hours can really suit your lifestyle.

Established consultants are choosing to align themselves with success. There's something energising about working within a brand that's busy and doing well. 

At Wakefields, the property market is active, and we've room in different branches throughout the province, for keen, self-motivated consultants - young or not so young -who know their experience will pay dividends, or, as newcomers, are determined to make a success of themselves in this sector.

 Does that sound like you? Come in for a chat.

28 Aug 2019
Author Anne Schauffer
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