Adele Bosman is the Branch Manager of Wakefields' Bluff branch, and although she only headed up the branch from September 2019, her impact has certainly been felt. She's convinced the branch's success is largely due to their community involvement: "It's a win-win strategy. We not only help those less fortunate members of our Bluff community - directly, and by creating awareness of their needs - but the Wakefields brand becomes front of mind. The name Wakefields now slips off the tongue of residents, prospective buyers and sellers." But for Adele, there's another plus to helping others: "Rolling up your sleeves and working to help others, makes you feel good.  When we return to the office, we're on a high. Everybody feels so positive, the event becomes inadvertently like a team-builder!" And to make it even more personal, Adele's made sure it's not only her love of animals which takes centre stage! She laughs, "I can't just push my agenda! Everybody in the office gets an opportunity to choose a charitable cause that's close to their own hearts. We partner with conveyancing attorneys with whom we have a relationship, and we commit to doing the work.  Whether it's rescue animals, the elderly, or a Valentine's treat for the Bluff Hope Centre, we put in the hours to ensure a positive result."

Adele's pleased and proud of the Branch of the Year Award, but she's not prepared for herself and her team to take all the credit. She shares it with Wakefields administration and management: "The wonderful thing about being part of the Wakefields family, is you never feel like a number. You matter. Management is really involved and so supportive. There's a domino effect to that, too - I feel cared for and supported, so I make sure I pass that on so my staff feel that too. It's the #WakefieldsWay, and in our case, it's certainly paid off!"

The Bluff office has a determined team of sales consultants, with a determination (and reputation) to never ever give up until there's a successful and happy conclusion for both buyer and seller. The more they're involved in the community, the more the community is drawn to the Wakefields brand. Adele says they're a tenacious and professional tight team on the Bluff, and this award is testament to that. 

Congratulations once again to our Bluff team of superstars, we at Wakefields are very proud of your achievements.

10 Dec 2020
Author Anne Schauffer
145 of 338