It's that time of the year when positivity RULES! It's all about applauding those top Wakefields sales consultants, managers, admin staff and branches for the commitment and work they've put in during 2022/3. It's a glittering and glam occasion, it's celebrating and motivating, it's a party...just as it should be!

Our top performing Wakefields Real Estate staff set off for the Drakensburg to the aptly named Champagne Sports Resort as they popped the corks in celebration of our 2022/23 achievers. Top hats and tiaras, candlelight and music...worthy rewards for a job well done, targets reached, numbers attained, and hundreds of properties sold, let and bought. It's also about the satisfaction felt by these achievers as they matched the perfect home to a new buyer, successfully sold a home for those who're downsizing, or finding a first perfect rental for a young professional or family. It's about reflecting back on all the special connections made and relationships forged, the soft side that drives Wakefields property practitioners to do more, go higher, get better. 

Celebrations of top achievers...celebrations of new achievers...and, for the first time, celebrations of brand-new special awards for skillsets other than property sales. Surprises, excitement, and honour!

But first, pause for the drumroll...the top property brokers of the year: Mandy Pannell of Le Domaine and Cotswold Downs; Pam Naidoo of Gateway; and third place went to Trish Hatch of Westville branch. Amazing achievements by seasoned sales consultants for whom this is a lifetime career, not a job. Mandy Pannell not only was top agent of the year, but also scooped the award for Most Units Sold. Mandy, you're a superstar! 

There were numerous other well-deserved awards for individuals and branch offices, but the one which always has everybody on their feet is that of Rookie of the Year! It's for that individual who is finding their way in the industry, honing their craft, and ultimately, rises above stiff competition. This year, the Rookie award went to Violet Thelele of the Kloof branch, and it was so well deserved! Onwards and upwards Violet!

Two other awards certainly worth applauding were...Branch of the Year presented to The Pearls of Umhlanga branch; and Top Letting Broker for Number Of Units Sold and On Earnings, Linda Mitchell of Pinetown. Wonderful achievement Linda, and well done to The Pearls. 

When it came to the special awards of the evening, there was a clear hush. These brand-new awards weren't about sales, these were about achievements in leadership, in conducting business the #Wakefields way, and about carrying through that Wakefields' ethos into every aspect of life. 

The first special award was The CEO's Award, as decided by CEO Myles Wakefield. It was awarded in recognition of a staff member's commitment to Wakefields by going above and beyond: "The winner of this award showed their keen commitment to ensuring the success of Wakefields through their contributions and efforts," says Wakefield. And the winner was a delighted Sandra Naidoo, Director, and manager of Phoenix and The Bridge. 

The Peter Lomax 'Wakefields Way' Spirit Award was decided by the board of directors.  The award was named for a longstanding and steadfast member of the Wakefields team, Peter Lomax. Peter joined Wakefields in May 1984, managed both the Yellowwood Park and Chatsworth branches, and became a director in 1999. A phenomenal mentor, friend and confidant who epitomized what it meant to do business the Wakefields Way, Peter sadly passed away in 2018. His legacy lives on. The recipient was Trish Hatch of Westville, who received the award intended for a staff member who embodies the #WakefieldsWay philosophy in everything they do. This winner will be fully aligned to the brand's internal and external ethical and practice aspirations ensuring that the values for which Wakefields stands, are evident in the work they do. Congratulations Trish. 

The third special award is the Mike Riceman Manager of the Year Award, as decided by the board of directors. This award is also named for a well-beloved employee: Mike Riceman. Mike began his managerial career at the Beach branch before being appointed a director in 1999; he transferred to the Berea branch in 2005. Mike was an exceptionally well-respected manager devoted to the ethos of servant leadership with a deep commitment and love for his team. Sadly, he passed away in 2021. This year, the trophy was awarded to a Wakefields manager who has displayed quality leadership and management skills in the pursuit and fulfilment of their leadership function within the company. The winner shows an understanding, not only of the logistics of managing, but also of the importance of critical interpersonal skills which encourage a healthy and enjoyable working environment. Hearty congratulations to the inaugural winner of this award, Joy Thorpe of Umhlanga & The Pearls of Umhlanga. 

And the final award - as decided by managers and directors - is The Administrative Person of the Year, awarded to an administration staff member in recognition of their hard work and dedication to ensuring the smooth running of their branch functions.  This is someone who ensures that on a continuous basis, their job is done to the best of their ability, and with the interests of the branch at the centre of what they do at all times. Jubie Zwane of Pietermaritzburg was the recipient, and warm congratulations to her!  

The Wakefield's conference is a wonderful celebration of the good, better and best of the Wakefields team in the year 2002/23. But it's also about listening to, and learning from, a stellar group of professionals in their related industries, who share their insights into everything from the state of the property market to the world of home loans. Keynote speaker, Gavin Sharples - motivational speaker, author and humorist - set the tone, and had delegates laughing as much as absorbing.  Wakefields also welcomed Alan Rubin from ooba Home Loans, Maria Davey from Meumann White, and Celeste Bostridge from Standard Bank, who shared their experience and views on the property landscape from their perspective.  

A wonderful celebration, a glam and glitzy dinner, friendship and colleagues, and a highly motivational sales conference were the perfect ingredients to take away from the 'Berg...winners all! 

25 May 2023
Author Haydn Wakefields | Marketing Director
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