You want to sell your home. Perhaps it's time to downsize, upsize, move to the country, or eliminate a personal financial crisis. Everybody has different reasons, and that's your business. A property practitioner's primary business is to sell your property at the best possible price in the most optimum time frame. And make the journey a positive experience for you.

Entrusting a property practitioner with this, the sale of your biggest asset, is no small decision. Would you invest money with just anybody? No, this is a decision that should be taken seriously.

Myles Wakefield, CEO of Wakefields Real Estate, a fourth-generation family owned brand, has focused on helping KwaZulu-Natal with their property needs for over 80 years. They know the province intimately - so do those who head up and staff their 28 branches. Wakefield acknowledges, "It's not easy choosing the perfect property practitioner that is right for you, but the starting point should be choosing a solid, reliable brand with a well-established history in your suburb. That the person has the correct professional qualifications goes without saying, and you're entitled to ask to see them."

Qualifications, experience, a knowledge of the area and its property landscape, coupled with a recommendation from somebody whose opinion you respect, are good starting points. So, too, their selling history in the area. If their name is on a number of SOLD or FOR SALE boards in your area, they're clearly very active, and you want that. They'll also be drawing clients who want to live in that area, and that's to your benefit.

But first prize - you need to connect with that person. Feel as if they're on your team. Establish a relationship, where you feel free to speak openly, and they give you honest advice - they've been through countless homes, spend endless hours talking to clients, and they know what buyers in your area and price range are looking for. They can advise you on what is worth attending to - and what isn't - so as to make your property more saleable; what is worth spending money on, and what isn't. That advice is invaluable.

They can also advise you on how to stage your home. It can be awkward conversations such as cleaning the pool or opening all the curtains, but if you've chosen the right person, they won't shy away from doing everything they can to help you achieve your aim.

Wakefield says, "There's one thing which all buyers and sellers want from a property practitioner (other than a sale) - regular communication. To be kept updated on feedback from prospective buyers who've visited your property, to know how many came to a Show Day, even to have tough conversations about the property price or the untidy verge." Wakefields property practitioners have a head start - they attend the on-site Wakefields Academy, and the art of communication is right up there as a priority. It's ongoing training, and communication is at the heart of everything they do.

Listening is as much a communication skill, as talking. You have a story, and you want your property practitioner to hear it. A great property practitioner will listen and absorb. It's your house, nobody knows it better than you do - it's perfect teamwork when your 'insider' perspective is wedded to their objective view of what the market wants.

Choosing a property practitioner with whom you connect isn't always easy - we're all different. The advantage of choosing from a well-established brand such as Wakefields, is that all property practitioners have the same brand ethos. There, they call it the #WakefieldsWay.

"The #WakefieldsWay is essentially a belief system held by the team," says Wakefield. "It embodies the support, guidance, assistance and authentic care you'll get as we partner with you on your property journey."

Partner. That's the word, and that's the feeling and service you want. It's what past clients refer to when they become repeat clients. The professional partnership - and yes, friendship - they enjoyed.

It's fairly understandable that you'd lean towards the property practitioner whose valuation of your home is the highest. Don't. You may well end up choosing that property practitioner, but don't let that be your reason. It's of no use to you overpricing your house - that'll mean your property is on the market for too long (causing buyer fatigue), and you'll probably need to reduce it later. What you do want is the property practitioner to justify the price they're suggesting, and no better starting point than for them to show you prices on similar properties, achieved in your neighbourhood.

As with any industry involving sales, you may be under pressure to choose your friend's cousin. They may even be a very good salesperson, and you get lucky. The best method is to select a couple of people who have the credentials you're looking for, and who work for the brand you respect - and then chat to them. Ask as many questions as you want to, and find out what their service entails - now's the time. Just spend time with them - you'll know soon enough which one is right for you.

This is an important relationship between you and your property practitioner. Choose carefully and wisely - there's nothing better than having a property practitioner with whom you really connect, and going forward, you wouldn't consider using anybody else, ever.

29 Jun 2022
Author Anne Schauffer
103 of 334