Focus on iThemba is all about children, and that’s where the staff and management of Wakefields’ have chosen, year after year, to direct their charitable attention when it comes to things that really matter.

The children who make up iThemba Kids – Wakefields’ nominated charity – had very good reason to be in the Christmas spirit this December. More than that, they knew precisely when the Wakefields’ team would arrive, so a great deal of preparation had been made by teachers and youngsters...words learned, songs memorised, thanks rehearsed. Tables were laid in anticipation of festive eats and drinks. 

Up rolled the distinctive Wakefields’ yellow vehicles, filled to the brim with no fewer than 88 beautifully wrapped Christmas gifts, one for each child at iThemba. The Wakefields’ staff throughout the province had rolled up their sleeves, knitted, baked, shopped...and packed and parcelled up the gifts. Wakefields’ branches were piled high with parcels destined for iThemba, and knowing what joy these would give children who have little, it undoubtedly raised the Christmas spirit a notch or two in the offices! 

With guidance from the teachers as to age-appropriate fun and functional gifts, each parcel had the right balance of Christmas cheer! Whether it was foodstuffs, school gear, soccer balls or dolls, there were smiles all round by the children.

The organisation Focus on iThemba is based on Inanda Road, in the heart of Wakefields’ Hillcrest territory, so the brand’s involvement is not window dressing on special occasions like Christmas – Wakefields are constantly involved in projects there, and this year alone, eight children have been put through school by Wakefields’ funding. A similar commitment has been made for next year. Focus on iThemba matters to every member of the Wakefields’ brand, and to see children getting a quality education and knowing what a difference this will make to their lives, is beyond satisfying. These children are our future, and it feels good to be part of that. 
At Wakefields, it’s always about family - at Focus on iThemba, it’s about creating small family groups so children grow up secure, with a strong sense of self, and a belief that they are worthy and can achieve anything.  

What a joyful occasion this handover was. Not sure who enjoyed it more – the Wakefields’ staff or the children. It’s just the #WakefieldsWay.

19 Dec 2016
Author Anne Schauffer
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