Twenty years in the industry, 20 years at Wakefields. That's Wakefields' Top Property Consultant of the Year, Mandy Pannell's history with property. She's entirely forthcoming about her reason for joining the industry: "I adopted my baby son, and as I sat at home with him, I knew I needed a job with flexibility." Mandy's mom had spent 13 years as a property consultant with Wakefields, and she said, 'Give it a go.'" That was March 2002.

Mandy did way more than give it a go: "I developed a complete passion for property, and it's as strong today as it was in those early days. When I drive through the gates of Le Domaine, it's so familiar to me it's like coming home."

Mandy's mom also said "When you find a job you love, you never work a day in your life." Mandy says, "That's me. To this day, I wake up in the morning and I look forward to work. I think I've taken off some two days in the 20 years..."

For Mandy, it's not about strategies for success. It's about hard work and continued perseverance, which she considers critical to success in any industry, but particularly in this one: "Having a passion for property and enjoying interacting and communicating with people, are invaluable attributes. So, too, is making yourself busy. I don't wait for a client to walk in, I just methodically make myself busy. There's a knock-on effect of that, not always immediately or even noticeably, but it has its rewards."

Mandy describes herself as a disciplined person - whether it's work or exercise - so being methodical comes naturally to her: "I have a clear plan for the day - it can change of course - but it always involves constant communicating with clients, and honoring whatever I said I was going to do."

For Mandy, one of the great joys of the industry are the great relationships she's made over the years: "Yes, those relationships mean I have numerous returning buyers, sellers and referrals, but more than that, good relationships are so satisfying."

Mandy laughs, "Bottom line, I love it, so I give it stick! When you love your job, you want to do your best. Success follows." She adds, "Twenty years at Wakefields Real Estate says something about Wakefields, doesn't it?

Congratulations Mandy on being Wakefields # 1 in 2019/2020, you deserve all the accolades.

14 Dec 2020
Author Anne Schauffer
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