Adele Bosman spent nine years as a sales consultant at Wakefields on the Bluff. She was highly successful, winning top agent of the branch last year, in the top 20 in the entire company, and has a series of Platinum, Gold and Silver awards. This, from somebody who only nine years previously, was a designer in the textile industry. She brought her creativity and determination to succeed to the Wakefields Bluff office, and began a fresh career.

From the outset, she fitted in, and within two months, signed and sealed her first sale. She calls it luck, but her history of success says otherwise. Adele's a hard worker: "That's who I am - if you work consistently hard, try not to be disheartened when things don't go your way, it's amazing how that hard work pays off. I found that the harder I worked, the shorter the periods in between successes."

Adele joined the management team because she felt she had something to offer others: "I've lived in the area for 23 years, so I know it well. I've learned so much here - communication skills and client liaison skills - that I felt it was time to share it with other consultants, particularly newcomers. I'm a great believer in the power of teamwork, and I know that the closer together a team pulls, the better the results. That's what's happening here at Wakefields on the Bluff."

"The Wakefields Bluff office is a really happy place," she says. "And that translates into success. The work ethic is good, the team is positive and upbeat, and our office is an appealing space for both buyers and sellers."

19 Sep 2019
Author Anne Schauffer
180 of 338