Technology rules in the property world. Wakefields Real Estate works exclusively with 3D virtual technology leaders, Matterport. You'll be glad they do.

It's a brave new world, and the property sector has been catapulted into exploring different ways of doing things better. Before lockdown, great imagery - photographs, videos and 3D walk-through visuals of properties - was growing in significance as the world moved on line. During and post lockdown, it's proven absolutely essential.

But quality is everything.

Wakefields chose to work with Roomtech, with superior 3D virtual tours and floorplans powered by leaders in their field, Matterport. As Myles Wakefield, CEO of Wakefields says: "We chose to collaborate with the best in the business - Matterport's 3D walk-through visuals are world-class."

Matterport's sophisticated technology and skilled technicians, create a highly professional presentation. The clarity is superb, and the creativity equally so. Matterport's 3D virtual presentation gives both buyer and the seller a significant advantage. A head start, if you like.

As a seller, via Wakefields, you're not only presenting a superb package of imagery to prospective clients, but because that buyer can see and feel your home so clearly and accurately, if he wants to view, you know you have a serious buyer. Selling is never about the number of people who come through your home, it's about the commitment of those buyers who do. With Matterport's technology, a buyer can really see into every corner of your home, from aerial views to tiny detail.  

For a buyer, you can sit back at your computer, in your own time, and look at every aspect of that home. Literally. You can see fine detail, and even measure up whether your fridge will fit in the allocated space in the kitchen. It's that sophisticated.

Wakefields' choice of technological partner, Matterport, means there's far less time wasted. You, as a buyer, can see the property clearly, and visualize yourself in it; you, as a seller, won't be tidying up your home for the wrong potential buyers - you'll only have buyers who really believe this could be "The One. "

World-class technology - professional photographs, superb video, and world-class 3D virtual walk through. You'll see, it's astounding. It's one small step from the real thing.

You won't want any other way of presenting your home, than Matterport. Don't settle for less. It's the#Wakefields Way.

Click here to see a Matterport presentation.

23 Sep 2020
Author Anne Schauffer
152 of 338