Little green shoots of normality are popping up everywhere, and for property, that means the return of physical Show Houses. Remote viewing has worked extremely well during the past year, but given that property is a highly emotional purchase...buyers want to walk the talk.  

Remote walking through a home with an attentive sales consultant ticks plenty of boxes, but for many, a Show House offers other advantages.

The advantage for sellers is clear: in one single afternoon, a number of prospective buyers can come through. You can plan to have the property spick and span on that day, and organise to be elsewhere.

 For buyers, the advantages are numerous.

Show houses are held on weekends, when everybody's in a more relaxed, less stressed frame of mind. If you're searching for a family home, more family members are likely to be free to view the property simultaneously.  

For some buyers, a Show House also offers a less pressurised viewing - a house that's open for viewing by all is sometimes a more comfortable and relaxed situation. Perhaps this show house is not one for you, but by chatting to the sales consultant, there may be another home around the corner that's just perfect for your needs. It's a great opportunity to identify what you want in a home - as well as what you don't.  

Driving to a show house on a weekend, also gives buyers the opportunity to examine the road, the area, the suburb at leisure. It's always important to do that, and during the week, time constraints often prevent that.

It goes without saying that at Show Houses, all Covid protocols are strictly observed. We're all so used to complying with these, that they don't impact on the viewing process at all.

As Myles Wakefield, CEO of Wakefields Real Estate says, "You can do all the homework, chat through everything you need with your sales consultant, but there's something about the relaxed atmosphere at a physical show house which can make all the difference."

29 Apr 2021
Author Anne Schauffer
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