Wakefields' Rookie of the Year for 2018/19, that's Pierre Collinette of Shelly Beach on the Lower South Coast. So, what's his secret?

"I have always had the motto that hard work pays off," grins Pierre. And of course, he's proved it does. He adds, "No matter what I do, I have to succeed." And he's doing that too. He's just been awarded Wakefields' Rookie of the Year...and that's just his first rung on the ladder. It certainly helps that Pierre is loving working in and around property: "I was an accountant and financial manager for just over thirty years, and was so tired of completing balance sheets, income statements, and doing the same thing over and over again, month after month, year after year. I saw an advert in the local Herald for a property broker for Wakefields, and that was it!"

Pierre knows the south coast very well. He's lived there for the last 20 years. Prior to that, he was raised, schooled and lived in Pretoria for 30 years, acquiring his Diploma in Financial Management at Damelin in 2002: "I really didn't enjoy accounting, but it was pretty much a family expectation as my late father and sister are accountants, so I had to honour the family history and just do the deed. There were certain expectations to uphold and commitments to adhere to, so most of my career has involved a 7.30am to 5pm day close to my desk at the office."

For Pierre, working with property has literally given him a new lease on life: "I just love the property industry, and I have the greatest desire to sell and not stop until the deal gets done. I manage my own time, but still go to the office regardless of any duty shifts." He grins, "Because I have had to go to the office my whole life, I find that I can't work at home during the week, so going in, gives me a sense of commitment and responsibility... and I still prosper, so that in itself gives me the satisfaction I need."

Pierre began his training towards his professional qualifications at Wakefields Training Academy last year, and he's busy fulfilling the requirements. He says although the course is intense with a great deal of time required to complete assignments, logbooks and more, he's ahead of the schedule, and he's driven to complete them as swiftly as possible, so he can continue to focus on sales.

At home, the children have left the nest, so Pierre and his wife are home alone: "Yes, we do spend quality time together, and we do have a social life...but I work all the time, after hours, early morning when I can't sleep...because you can't lose focus at any stage. Even when I'm enjoying the outdoors, pottering around in the garden or swimming in the pool, the phone is always on and nearby."

Living on the golf coast, it was a fair chance that Pierre was a golfer. But no, he played in his younger years - "I managed to get down to a 6 handicap at age 19" - but he hasn't played for ten years: "But whenever I have a lay-off, I can still hit the ball straight down the middle of the fairway."

So, Wakefields' Rookie of the Year for 2018/2019. What does the future hold? Pierre is clear on that: "My goals are already set for Diamond Achiever, Qualified Property Professional in Real Estate (PPRE) and one of the top twenty brokers before this Financial Year is out. I achieved Rookie of the Year so I'm sure it can be done. No matter what, I just have to succeed.

"I must also give thanks to my Branch Manager Simon Lee and my Retired but still active Director Clive Cowan for all their support and motivation through the year...and to my loving wife Nicola for all hers, which has undoubtedly contributed to my success."

Clearly for Pierre, it's about setting goals, and not even entertaining the idea that they can't be achieved. Just focus on them, and keep on until the prize is in your hand.

18 Apr 2019
Author Anne Schauffer
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