Wakefields believes Show Houses offer real value to both buyers and sellers. That's why they've introduced a smart system which raises the bar on security for their sales consultants and, of course, seller's properties

A show house is the best way to show off a house. Globally, even in countries where on-line methodologies play a major role, the industry view is that Show Houses offer something other selling strategies don't. Depending on roads, suburbs and countries, 15 to 50 percent of properties globally, sell directly or indirectly because of Show Houses.

Why? Many reasons, but primarily because sellers have a deadline to work towards to spruce up their homes, show it at its best, and a concentrated block of time for viewing so as many buyers as possible see it then. And for prospective buyers, they're in a relaxed, weekend frame of mind to view the house as slowly as they choose, without feeling they're imposing on the owners.

For some time now, Wakefields has been examining various options to ensure that their sales consultants feel - and are - secure when holding show days, and that our sellers' concerns around the security of their properties is addressed. Wakefields has fine-tuned the options, and from here on in, Blue Security is Wakefields' security partner of choice.

Blue Security will be our silent partner at every show house. Alongside the Wakefields Show board will be a clear Blue Security board.  A loud and clear message. All our sales consultants will be registered with Blue Security. Blue knows their whereabouts, and should the need arise, will dispatch a patrol vehicle immediately.

Wakefields has never had a security breach at a Show Day. These measures are proactive, because Wakefields deems it of great importance to allay any concerns which sellers might have surrounding this important marketing tool...and of course, to ensure the comfort and peace of mind of their sales consultants.

Show Houses really do work.

11 Dec 2019
Author Anne Schauffer
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