Stepping on to the podium in first place is a real accolade in a real estate company which has 26 branches, and close to 300 property practitioners throughout Kwazulu-Natal. The competition is fierce, and standard is sky high - take a look who won Wakefields' awards for top Property Practitioner, top Rookie of the Year, and top Branch!

Our top-performing Wakefields Real Estate staff gathered at the picturesque Barker Manor in Kloof for a day-time celebration of our 2023/24 achievers. The event, adorned with a theme of silver, gold, and bronze, honoured the exceptional dedication and accomplishments of our team. It was a day filled with excitement, recognition, and reflection on the year's successes. These rewards were not just for targets met and numbers achieved, but for the meaningful connections made along the way. From matching the perfect home to a new buyer to helping families downsize or finding ideal rentals for young professionals, our achievers have excelled in their roles. This year's ceremony also included the return of special awards celebrating skill sets beyond property sales, adding an element of surprise and honour to the festivities. As we celebrated both our seasoned and new achievers, the atmosphere was charged with pride and anticipation for even greater heights in the year to come.

But first, pause for the drumroll...the top property practitioners of the year: Pam Naidoo of Wakefields Gateway; runner-up Wendy Swift of Wakefields Le Domaine; and third place went to Gareth Hutchinson of Wakefields Cotswold Downs. Amazing achievements by seasoned agents for whom this is not a job, but a vocation for life.


Passion and integrity are the cornerstones of Pam Naidoo's journey in real estate, leading her to be crowned Wakefields' Property Practitioner of the Year 2023. Pam's path in property consulting is both a profession and a calling, driven by a desire to build lasting relationships. She believes that while selling a house might seem straightforward, the true essence of her profession lies in forging connections that lead clients to return and refer others, the highest compliment she can receive.

Pam's journey is marked by the joy of handing over keys to new homeowners, a moment that surpasses all challenges faced along the way. Her diligence and deep knowledge of properties, their histories, and their areas are pivotal in guiding buyers. She ensures her clients are aware of crucial factors like location, security, and value for money, emphasizing the importance of a property feeling like home to the buyer. Pam's approach is grounded in honesty and integrity, steering clients in the right direction without pressure and always speaking the truth.

What sets Pam apart is her ability to build a reputation of excellence through collaboration and respect. She collaborates seamlessly with other agents and agencies, understanding that the property market thrives on shared mandates and professional service. Her ability to communicate effectively, think on her feet, and treat every client with respect and attention makes her stand out in the crowd. Pam's philosophy is simple: be honest, care about clients' feelings, and provide dedicated time and effort. For her, real estate is not just a job but a lifestyle she enjoys thoroughly, and her success is a testament to her unwavering commitment to her clients.

There were numerous other well-deserved awards for individuals and branch offices, but the one which always has everybody on their feet is that of Rookie of the Year! It's for that individual who is finding their way in the industry, honing their craft, and rises above stiff competition. This year, the Rookie award went to Tyron Smith of the Kloof branch, and it was so well deserved! Onwards and upwards Tyron!


When faced with the challenge of reinventing himself after the economic downturn caused by the lockdown, Tyron Smith didn't back down. Recently crowned Wakefields' Rookie of the Year 2023, Tyron's story is one of resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to personal growth and professional excellence.


Living in Assagay and based in the Kloof office, Tyron's journey in real estate has been marked by numerous milestones and challenges. He acknowledges that a significant hurdle was realizing how much he had to learn compared to his peers. Embracing this, Tyron dedicated himself to constant learning and improvement. His mantra, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm," reflects his approach to the job: putting in the time for learning, for the job, and for people. This diligence and consistency have not only earned him recognition but also deepened his enjoyment of his work. "I'm blessed with a fun group of people in the office, who welcomed me happily and generously as a newcomer," he says, highlighting the supportive environment at Wakefields.

Tyron attributes his success to a combination of emotional intelligence, a high IQ, and a genuine love for working with people. His insatiable appetite for connecting with all kinds of individuals has led him to build extensive and meaningful networks. While he markets constantly, he admits there's always room for improvement, showing his humility and drive for continuous development.

Looking ahead, Tyron advises aspiring agents to "build bridges, engage in relentless marketing, and be compassionate." His journey from a newcomer to Rookie of the Year exemplifies the power of hard work, passion, and a commitment to personal and professional growth. Next up for Tyron? Diamond Achiever status!


Manager of Wakefields' Le Domaine branch, Haydn Wakefield, is over the moon that his Le Domaine team clinched the winning branch accolade.

As Haydn says, that stability means Wakefields' Le Domaine branch now has a firm, respected footprint in the Upper Highway, and the community recognises them as such: "We've grown the branch into a leading property brand in the area and developed a market following which is exactly what we wanted. We've gained a respected foothold, and the support and trust of the community. They recognise Wakefields as a stable, established company that they can rely upon and trust."

Haydn certainly shies away from major credit for the Award: "It's all about the team that I support and manage. This award is the result of consistently good, steady results. When everybody pulls together as a team, you get results, and it's that knock-on good feeling when everybody's doing well that is so motivating."

With only 3 property practitioners, Le Domaine is one of Wakefields' smallest branches. Who says size matters? It's a powerhouse - congrats to Le Domaine - top branch for 2023!

Another prestigious award certainly worth applauding was...Branch of the Year presented to Wakefields Le Domaine.

When it came to the special awards of the evening, there was a clear hush. For only the second time these additional awards weren't about sales or earnings, these were about achievements in leadership, in conducting business the #Wakefields way, and about carrying through that Wakefields' ethos into every aspect of life. 

Of special mention, was the Peter Lomax 'Wakefields Way' Spirit Award was decided by the board of directors.  The Peter Lomax Award is a testament to dedication, commitment, and loyalty, qualities that define this year's winner: Desre Fenemore. Starting her journey with Wakefields nearly seven years ago after a career in a very corporate environment, she found a sense of family and personal interaction that truly resonated with her. The support from Paula and the Finance team has been instrumental in her progress, allowing her to deliver and support the Wakefield family the Wakefields Way.


On hearing that she was this year's recipient, this is what Desre had to say: "Winning this award was totally unexpected but is accepted with much gratitude. It has shown me that my dedication, commitment, and loyalty to Wakefields have not gone unnoticed. For me, loyalty and respect are the driving factors in all that I do. Ethics and morals are also two of my foundation pillars that guide me in my day-to-day life. I strongly believe that every single person has a role to play in making a success of this awesome company that I am privileged to be a part of. I try to instil in others that the best way forward may not always be the easiest or the quickest, but by working together, collaborating, supporting each other, and valuing each other's views and cultures, we can successfully move forward."

Other special award recipients included:

  • Nishani Naicker, Administrative Person of the Year
  • Joy Thorpe, Manager of the Year
  • Sandra Naidoo, CEO Award

As we close this chapter of our 2023/24 awards function, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to all our winners for their remarkable achievements and unwavering dedication. Your hard work and commitment continue to elevate Wakefields to new heights. We also express our deepest gratitude to our partners-Celeste Bolstridge from Standard Bank, Maria Davey and David Campbell from Meumann White, and Linda Rall and her ooba homeloan consultants-for their invaluable support and collaboration. Together, we celebrate not only the success of our property practitioners but also the strong partnerships that help us thrive. Here's to another year of excellence and shared achievements!

30 May 2024
Author Myles Wakefield
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