Wakefields sale consultants are making property transactions under lockdown virtually. With easy technology that everybody can manage, we're virtually showing properties, providing virtual valuations, and even selling them too.

The latest technology has been invaluable for the property industry under lockdown. Whether you're a buyer, seller, investor, tenant or landlord, it's allowed us to provide you with easy viewings of properties, even valuations. Take a look at how simple we've made it for you to view properties, even giving you a professional valuation if you're considering selling.

The buzz word is 'virtual' - this is what it means, and here's how it works.

  • What is a Virtual Show Day?

Nobody is currently permitted to go physically into properties, so, with the seller's permission, we're taking you inside that property 'virtually'. What does that mean? It means we're producing a 'remote' or 'distanced' viewing, so you look at the property from the comfort of your own home - on your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. We use the finest technology to produce professional 3D viewings, videos and photographs - we make sure that we walk you through the visuals of that property, so you can see and feel if that's the one for you.

Every Thursday from 1pm until 3pm, is Wakefields Virtual Show Day. We put together all the properties we would normally have on show, only you look at them on a screen. All our sales consultants are on standby to answer any questions you may have after the viewing. We upload these properties on to our website and social media sites on a Monday, so although Thursday is our official Show Day, it is possible to access these from Monday onwards, providing heightened exposure for our sellers.

And if you still feel bamboozled by technology, just ask a Wakefields sales consultant to show you exactly what to do.

  • What is a Virtual Valuation?

With experience, technology and a partnership between you the seller, and us, as real estate area experts, we can value your property without visiting it in reality. We're doing remote valuations during this lockdown phase.

There are a number of factors which are taken into account when we provide prospective sellers with a valuation, and the only factor missing when we give you a valuation during lockdown, is a physical visit.

Our sales consultants know the value of the area, and know the address well. Our longer-standing consultants often know your property very well - they may well have sold it previously.

The consultants do their homework. A key element in a valuation is the price achieved by similar properties in the same area. They can access professional Lightstone statistics which provide all of those figures.

We can access Google maps and Google Earth in order to see the precise position of the home, even its layout, and the garden and surrounds.

And then, our sellers assist us. We ask for photographs and/or a video of the property. With a cellphone, this is easily achievable - no matter whether you're a great photographer or not! - and sellers 'walk us' through the house.

We are providing virtual valuations daily.

  • What does it mean to have a "Subject To Viewing Clause" in an Offer to Purchase?

Wakefields has been selling properties during lockdown. How?

Buyers have been viewing property virtually, through our videos, property tours, photographs, or even accessing Google Earth for extra location or garden visuals.

They've bought the property with a "Subject To Viewing" clause inserted. What does that mean? In a nutshell, they want to see the property physically before the sale agreement becomes legally binding. So, they agree to the sale whereby an agreement of sale is signed by buyer and seller, the selling price is agreed but with a subject to viewing step still to be finalized. The buyer loving the property as much in reality, as they do 'virtually' is the final step in owning their dream home

21 May 2020
Author Anne Schauffer
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